Friday, January 8, 2016

St. Joseph of Cupertino: Prayer Before Examination

First of All I want to thank God for making my dreams come true which is to be a Registered Nurse.
My hard work have been paid off.. The sleepless nights and endless studying and exams... I really thank God for giving me strength and wisdom when I took my exams and a brave heart to face the result of my hardwork ( I passed the Nursing Licensure Exam).

Through prayers and with the support of my family I have reached my goal!

And also through the intercession of St. Joseph of Cupertino...

So, you're wondering who's St. Joseph of Cupertino

He is a patron saint for those who will take examinations. I really seek his help for my NLE. I prayed his prayers before i took my examination. It really also helped me relieved my anxiety during my exams. I thank him along with St. Jude of Thaddeus and St. Thomas Aquinas.  I also prayed the novena of St. Joseph of Cupertino for 9 days.

I really wanna share this prayer to others and make him known to others too...

So these are the prayers to St. Joseph of Cupertino... you can pick any of the 2...

First Prayer
O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.
Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us.
Second Prayer
O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of Examination eg. History paper ) examination.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.
O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me
O Holy Ghost enlighten me
Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me
Sacred Head of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me.
Remember, when you succeed in the exams then you should thank St. Joseph of Cupertino.
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Friday, January 1, 2016

Davao Crocodile Park

Haf and I wanted to go to the zoo and Davao Crocodile Park is an amazing place to see different kinds of animals. We paid around 150 pesos to access these places (Davao Crocodile Park, Butterfly House, Tribu 'K Mindanawan)There's so much to see at Davao Crocodile Park. Haf was really amused seeing the tigers and not only we get to see at close with the tigers but we learned alot from the zookeeper as well. They have weekend shows like crocodile feeding frenzy, Koi Fish Feeding Frenzy, Crocodile Dance,

We also had picture taking with parrots, snake, and crocodile (ofcourse the mouth of the crocs is sealed with a tape). There are lots of birds, crocodiles, ostrich, deer, lots of snakes, and orangutans, and a tortoise, and also fishes. Its a perfect place to enjoy for the little ones and for the young at hearts too.

Davao Crocodile Park also have a mini snack shop and also you could buy a wallet made of crocodile's skin and belts and etc.

One of the most exciting part that me and Haf did was to try their Crocodile Icecream (i just forgot the price~lol) All I can say is~ its creamy and the crocodile meat is chewy. We also tried the "poop coffee" the Civet Coffee, one of the most expensive and has an exquisite taste which is a partly digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet. If you want to try an exotic lechon... You Must TRY the CROCODILE LECHON! Its really fun to try out new and exotic things which indulges the heart of the Adventure seekers out there!

The fun never stops here, next we went to the Butterfly House. It's really nice place to enjoy the colorful butterflies and actually see a scorpions and a tarantula. They also have a mini pond and lots of flowers too. I hope they can renovate the butterfly house because it has always been the same since I had my field trip when I was in highschool.

Next, we went to the Tribu K' Mindanawan and explored the ancient relics of our ancestors like the different tribal houses.  When it was almost evening lots of people gathered at the event area to see the Fire Show/ Fire Dancing. It was so awesome and very well -choreographed. Its really fun to watch them and they really entertained us well. And I almost forgot before the fire dance  they had mini games for the people and Haf was one of the "chosen ones" to play a game. It was really fun to look at him playing at the center stage and luckily he won the game and everyone was cheering him--of course me too!  And yeah he won tickets to Maxima Aqua Fun, ZipCity, Davao Crocodile park, Butterfly House, and Tribu K' Mindanawan. But wait, I had a chance to get a prize too, because they had like a mini lecture about Fire safety and I dared to answer their question as quickly as possible  and got my prize! I was happy like a kid and didn't spare a sweat to get my prize -lol.

And so after were amazed by the Fire show we headed to their restaurant and had our dinner date. The food is good but quite expensive tho. They also had a acoustic band to  serenade the people who are eating there.

All in all these experience was the most amazing thing ever. We were both happy and had amazing stories to share for everyone when we got home.

Davao Crocodile Park Show Schedule
DAILY SHOW: 10:00 am – Bird Show and Friendly Animal Encounter
4:00 – Crocodile Frenzy/Crocodile Feeding (yearling Stage Crocodiles)
4:15 – Animal Petting
4:00 – Crocodile Frenzy (Yearling and juvenile stage crocodiles)
4:10 – Pangil’s Feeding (The biggest Crocodile in the Park)
4:15 – Animal petting
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
4:00 – Raptor Bird Show / Educational Show
4:20 – Pangil Encounter/Giant Crocodile Encounter
4:25 – Crocodile Frenzy (yearling stage crocodiles)
4:35 – Crocodile Dancing
4:40 – Tightrope Walking
5:00 – Animal Petting
Regular Show Schedule
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
5:45 – 6:30pm
- See more at:

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